About this blog

This blog was born out of an investigation I did in mid 2018 on the cited/citing relationships between the European Patent Office's Board of Appeal decisions. One of results of that investigation was a list of 100 most-cited decisions (status: 2 July 2018), which decisions turned out to be very interesting and all dealing with very relevant issues of the EPC. This triggered the idea of going through them, mostly for my own education, but then also to share them to other interested people. This blog is the result ...

Given the concept of this blog it was clear from the beginning that it could not run forever. It would have to stop when it reaches the #1 most-cited decision. This has now happened (30 December 2018), and the blog comes to its natural end. It had been a very instructive, fun and rewarding exercise for me.

I will leave the blog accessible online, in the hope that it is useful as point of reference, e.g., for people preparing for the EQE, and qualified patent professionals, or anyone with a general interested in EPO case law.



  1. Nice blog! Gives a further good reason to finally study those old decisions in detail.

  2. Very interesting - the top 20 is probably cited in the EPO Examination Guidelines, I would hope.
